Monday, April 30, 2007

Crabmommy Debut at Cookie Magazine

After the heavy hinting I did earlier in the life of this blog, Cookie magazine finally agreed to let me blog for them, as of today, here. For which they will pay me ONE MILLION DOLLARS. (Well, at least it feels like that compared with the $5 in Adsense I earn per 6 weeks on my own blog.)

Now, my dear seven readers, do not hate me for selling out to the media. I know it might seem odd or annoying for the Crabmom to start yakking away via yet another mom mag that covers such hot topics as the most darling minimalist bent-birch plywood bassinet or designer flip-flops or flourless chocolate cake recipes...but this crowd have something more to offer. Okay, they are paying me to say that. The point is, they will let me actually be Crabmommy on their mag and speak about things in a non-perky tone. That's saying a lot for mommy mags, the rest of whom have put a hex on me.

Now before you cast me off your RSS and get all peppery like, do note that I WILL CONTINUE TO BLOG ON MY OWN SITE. Right here.

Even though I shall have my bloglet at Cookie I shall continue to make Crabmommy's personal blog the impossibly delightful venue for useful information that it is today. Here's the thing: on my own blog I can write as long as I like whereas I have to be a bit brief on the Cookie thing. Also on my own blog, I can say anything I bloody well choose and I am not sure that will be the case at the other. Third, I can say things here in my own Crab-lingo without anyone getting jiggy with the way I use adjectives and so forth. For those of you who grow tired of my long-winded ways, good news: on the Cookie site, it will be sharper, cleaner, and it will be scented with lemon wood-polish.

Hence. If you like being here, please stay here. If you like me a whole heap, please also go to my Cookie blog. You will see a most strange rendition of my face by an illustrator but do not be deterred. There you will find snippets of the usual C-mom fare, but also a regular column in which I discuss some of the inventions I am working on to make momhood easier for all, as well as monthly advice -- where I tackle the nifty lists we all see all the time, lists designed to make us better, more efficient, and generally optimally functioning as mom-robots! Fantabulous!

So tune in here and there for the full Crabmommy Experience 360. I will be working extra-hard now to ensure a good spread of fun on both sites, so that no one can accuse me of slacking off at either. All this hard work means even more parental neglect on this end...which in turn makes for even more fodder for blogging...Yay!

6 comments: said...

Way to go CM!

duhdad said...

You actually have 8 readers...and more some of have been "silent". Cool on the Pay for deserve it and matter what you pry out of their wallets. Best wishes...and we'll be watching this site to make certain there is no fall-off!

Villagepig said...

hehehe congrats, will watch both spots with interest to see how much cross over there is!

Janou-Eve said...

You don't know me.
But I love you.

I speak French. Even if Love might be quite a strong word. I do mean it.

It makes 8 readers now.

Crabmommy said...

And you are my beloveds. It is very possible to love one's readers; in fact a lot easier than loving one's human peeps. Plus, I am in many ways very French, like you, Janou-eve, and the word love falls freely from these lips...especially when it comes to y'all who have been so nice about me and my silly writings.
I put a big heart around you, Crabfriends!

Karen Stead Baigrie said...

yay crabmommy!!!
LOL Bklynmom

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